Imprint | Serviceplan Group

Serviceplan Group
Serviceplan Group SE & Co KG
House of Communication
Friedenstr. 24
81671 Munich

Phone: +49 89 2050 20
Fax: +49 89 2050 2111

Munich Local Court (Amtsgericht München): HRA 45163
VAT ID number: DE130259820

Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
Dr. Peter Haller

Supervisory Board members:
Jerry Buhlmann
Anke Schäferkordt

Chairman of the Board:
Florian Haller

Board Members:
Matthias Brüll
Wolf Ingomar Faecks
Markus Noder
Dr. Fabian Prüschenk
Alexander Schill

Responsible for the content according to § 55 (2) RStV:
Florian Haller
Friedenstr. 24
81671 Munich

Other data:
Personally liable partner: Serviceplan Group Management SE, Friedenstr. 24, 81671 Munich, Germany
Headquarters: Munich
Munich Local Court (Amtsgericht München): HRB 247505
The following Serviceplan agencies are responsible for the areas of our brands on the site (Plan.Net, Mediaplus):


Plan.Net Group
Plan.Net Germany GmbH & Co KG
House of Communication
Friedenstr. 24
81671 Munich

Phone: +49 89 2050 30
Fax: +49 89 2050 3611

VAT ID number: DE222163784
Munich Local Court (Amtsgericht München): HRA 79530

Managing directors authorized to represent the company:
Florian Haller, Wolf Ingomar Faecks, Marcus Ambrus

Responsible for the content according to § 55 (2) RStV:
Florian Haller, Friedenstr. 24, 81671 Munich, Germany


Mediaplus Group
Mediaplus Germany GmbH & Co.KG
House of Communication
Friedenstraße 24
81671 Munich

Phone: +49 89 2050 50
Fax: +49 89 2050 5111

VAT ID number: DE223194893
Munich Local Court (Amtsgericht München): HRA 45163

Managing directors authorized to represent the company:
Florian Haller, Matthias Brüll, Esther Busch, Barbara Evans, Oliver Hey, Dr. Andrea Malgara, Julian Simons

Responsible for the content according to § 55 (2) RStV:
Florian Haller, Friedenstr. 24, 81671 Munich, Germany


Other agencies
Insofar as you access the areas of our agencies outside of Germany, the responsible body is the respective agency named


Ad Alliance GmbH
Picassoplatz 1
50679 Köln
Managing directors: Matthias Dang, Frank Vogel
Local court: Köln
Trade register: HRB 33057
VAT ID number: DE 114 383 325
Phone: +49 221 456-20
Fax: +49 221 456-26999

REPUBLIC Marketing & Media Solutions GmbH
Mittelstraße 2-4
10117 Berlin
Managing directors: Jürgen Maukner, Ingo Müller
Local court: Charlottenburg
Trade register: HRB 225441 B
VAT ID number: DE338 853 389
TIN: 30/490/50859
Phone: +49 221 456-20
Fax: +49 221 456-26999